Chiang Mai and bye-bye! - Reisverslag uit Chiang Mai, Thailand van Demi van Hove - Chiang Mai and bye-bye! - Reisverslag uit Chiang Mai, Thailand van Demi van Hove -

Chiang Mai and bye-bye!

Door: Demi Dawn

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Demi

14 Februari 2019 | Thailand, Chiang Mai

Today its Valentine's Day and it's also my last day abroad for now. Tomorrow I am catching a flight all the way back home to, what I've heard, a reasonably sunny Holland, so I am not complaining.

After my last post about Hoi An, as promised, I visited Chiang Mai, Thailand. Now I went there because several people I'd met said that this was THE place to be but to be completely fair: I'm not seeing it. In my opinion, it's not a match for Phu Quoc, Hoi An or even Bangkok. I guess many people prefer Chiang Mai's quietness over Bangkok's business but I personally prefer the latter. I think Bangkok is way more interesting and energetic than Chiang Mai, but maybe I'd just gotten my hopes up by all the amazing reviews.

Nonetheless, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a good time the past few days. As I only had three full days in Chiang Mai and I wanted to chill out a bit, I only booked one tour for the first day. But, what a tour it was! I went to the Elephant Jungle Sanctuary 1.5 hours from Chiang Mai, to feed, bathe and play with some cute elephants for half a day. It was an amazing experience, feeding such big animals and actually bathing them. They are just so cute! Did you know elephants roll over when they're sitting in the mud? I didn't but now I do. I really enjoyed playing with them and hearing about their lives. I would definitely recommend doing a tour like this because organizations like this really try to protect the animals and take care of them. I'll be honest; three years ago I rode an elephant in Sri Lanka, which is not something I am proud of, now. I now understand how the organizations that allow that exploit their elephants and if I could take it back, I would. But, that experience actually made me value this one even more.

Other than this experience, I've just been eating, sleeping and getting manicures. I also thought I'd try a Thai massage, since I hadn't yet. The first one I had hurt so, so much that the whole time I felt like one my joints would end up dislocated. However, it being my first Thai massage, I just thought I may be overly sensitive. None of the massages I've ever had (mostly Dutch, Moroccan and Chinese), were about stretching so I had no reference. However, not wanting to be traumatized, I went to a different spa the next day and tried another Thai massage. This one was less hurtful but still, it's pretty painful for me. I don't know why, maybe I'm less flexible an I fancy myself, but so far Thai massages are my least favorite.

Other than that and viewing a few temples, I really don't think there is a lot to do in Chiang Mai, but maybe that's why people like it so much there; the city kind of forces you to take a step back and relax.

Today, I flew back to Bangkok in preparation of my flight home tomorrow. I'm now staying at a hotel nearby the airport and I am very excited about going home to my boyfriend, cat, friends and family. I may write a blog comparing the cities I've seen, at some point but for now this may be my last blog for this particular journey.

Thank you so much for having read my blogs.

Lots of love,


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Hoi! Welkom op mijn blog. Ik ben een derdejaars rechtenstudente die vanaf 1 Januari t/m 1 Juni in Gainesville, Florida, USA zit. Ik heb hier jaren van gedroomd en kijk er al heel lang naar uit! :) Ik hoop mijn blog veel bij te houden en ik hoop dat mijn posts een beetje interessant zijn om te lezen! See you, Demi

Actief sinds 15 Dec. 2013
Verslag gelezen: 2491
Totaal aantal bezoekers 34219

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